Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TruthMove.org's Connection to the WQ2RX MEDIA CENSORSHIP GROUP

By Alex Constantine

"The fact remains that almost no one is immune to criticism."
- www.truthmove.org/forum/topic/951

The site is all worked up about "peak oil."

It claims that I am "controversial." This is because I bristled at being categorized a 9/11 "no planer" when I've never expressed an opinion on the subject, don't even do video analysis or forensics, and didn't particularly care to be lied about.

You'll find other nonsense there.

TruthMove.org founder Julain Ware says he is not concerned with my opinion of his site. That's good, so he won't care that I point out he has intelligence connections everyone should know about.

I hadn't thought much about it until learning from TruthMove.org that I'm a dupe of Nico Haupt - news to me. Haupt keeps his distance from me. He can keep on doing that. There is no connection, though I did post some of his work in the past. But that wasn't about airplanes, it was about cults and such.

Max Jones & Julian Ware are the founders of TruthMove.org.

The site has snidely attacked me recently, cliaming that I have affiliations with people and sites I know little about, if at all.

They also claimed that I've had no association with the Mae Brussell files for ten years - try six months ago, as Virginia McCullough, who oversees the files, can confirm. I needed material for the Mae Brussell book that I recently edited.

An administrator, Julian Ware, claims that I have "worked with Webfairy" of 9/11 Truth fame. I've never had the privilege. Julian also claims that I'm the proprietor of a site that says so - because my name is in the URL. Someone please inform Julian that a URL usually contains a posts's subject, not the identity of the person doing the posting.

He has muddied the issue by claiming that the site "bears my name." Julian should know that 99.8 percent of the sites that "bear my name" on reprinted articles have no relationship with me whatsoever.

But it's important to Julian to link my name to something or someone else, even if I've never heard of the people I've supposedly bedded. If my name appears somewhere, I'm "affiliated."

I've also been compared to Webster Tarpley by a poster at the site.

So I own websites I've never heard of, "work with" people I don't know, and am like someone who believes the Queen of England is the heart of all evil.

Who are these bullshitters? Incompetent researchers or worse?

Julian Ware B.A. Sociology, U.C. Santa Cruz Truth Movement facilitator

Does this guy make a living as a "facilitator?" I thought he taught music at his day job. That's what he SHOULD do, and leave the research to people who aren't irresponsible, like him. But there's so much more to know.

New 9/11 Related Website TruthMove.org Launches

We are two NYC 9/11 activists, Max and Julian, and we'd like to introduce you to our new website, TruthMove.org. This site will be the centerpiece of a new organization dedicated to promoting consciousness of false history, deception and social control.

We've been active in the movement for years, recently working closely with Nick Levis and John Albanese. ...

Re John Albanese:

Curiously very much like a shill, he constantly does things that he accuses other people of doing (isn't there a word for that?) People will be having a perfectly valid and interesting discussion on some aspect of the collapses, and because no one wants to talk about proof of hijackers (funding) with John he'll pop in on the discussion just to tell everyone that they are wasting their time, hurting the movement, bla bla bla.

John's film, Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime, isn't exactly popular in the movement - 140,000 views in 7 months versus 780,000 views in 2 months for 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions. Are you starting to see why John doesn't like CD theories?

While I'm sure John is a person who is genuinely inetrested in getting the truth about 9/11 out, his actions are more consistent with someone who doesn't want people to talk about controlled demolition of the towers for some reason. His explanation is that it isn't good for the movement. The number of views of 9/11 Mysteries would seem to put the lie to that. No, no, you don't understand, says John. Fox News seizes on CD arguments to discredit us. John, does it ever occur to you that the reaon they try to discredit CD is because a) it is right and b) it is popular?

See, if we all listened to John we would be telling everyone that Pakistan paid the al Qaeda hijackers who pulled off 9/11. This will then be broadcast on every major network's newscast (they haven't yet because no one listens to John and no one has told them about it).

By now it should be abundantly clear to most people, and if not I'll repeat it--that the Pakistan money angle is one half of the last ditch effort to stop 9/11 truth. That effort is two-fold. On the one hand, get some shills in on the ground floor with the really convincing stuff--CD, building 7, the Pentagon. That seems to have been Fetzer playing the impartial guy who then decides that Wood and Reynolds, not so much his buddy Steve Jones, deserve the attention. Bang--physical evidence discredited by association with career conspiracy theorist Fetzer and the road runner cartoon people (including the Charles Manson lookalike Nico Haupt.)

But wait--what if the movement then just splinters into serious physical evidence people and the obviously fake people?? No, they have that covered too. The debate will be framed as proponents of physical evidence (Judy Jetson, Reynolds Wrap, and Uncle Fetzer) against circumstancial evidence people (the "great" Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Mike Ruppert) and whoever remains who actually wants to join the freakshow has two choices--the circus freaks and the "serious" researchers into werid sounding stuff that ultimately just supports the official version.

Brilliant plan, except for one teeny tiny detail. No one's buying it. As we can see from the figures for John's no CD limited hangout flick versus 9/11 Mysteries DEMOLITIONS, the people, the masses, our intended audience, has made its choice. They can handle basic science--they know BS when they see it. ...


Albanese is an interesting study - no wonder TruthMove is harassing Nico Haupt, because HE'S BLOWING THE WHISTLE ON TRUTHMOVE.ORG'S INTELLIGENCE CONNECTIONS:



THIS VIDEO OFFERS POLITICAL CRITICISM OF PUBLIC FIGURES ONLY. THERE IS NO PRIVATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS VIDEO. THIS VIDEO OFFERS OPINION BASED ON RESEARCH INTO THE WQ2RX TERRORIST CELL OPERATING IN THE USA. WQ2RX IS THE AL QAIDA MEDIA CELL WHICH INCLUDES JOHN ALBANESE, RITA KATZ, D ALEXANDER FLOUM, KYLE HENCE, AND GARY WELZ. THE CELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATION WITH OSAMA BIN LADEN AND ATTEMPTING TO CENSOR THE TRUTH ABOUT SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. Recently Rita Katz of SITE, the daughter of an Israeli spy, criticized the White House for leaking a fake tape of Osama Bin Laden produced by her company for the anniversary of 9/11. The 911 Commission had recently announced that Rita Katz was a member of WQ2RX and the White House took immediate action to establish distance between SITE and the Bush Administration. The Story was originally broken by DOG4TREE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE and was subsequently published on http://kv3ri.blogspot.com and mirrored on intelligence sites around the world. 1. Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets - washingtonpost.com "Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden video to the White House without charge so officials there could prepare for its eventual ..." www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/08/AR2007100801817.html 2. U.S. Intelligence Officials Will Probe Leak of Bin Laden Video "SITE founder Rita Katz told The Post that her company covertly obtained an early copy of a bin Laden video message in early September, then shared the video ..." www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/09/AR2007100902055_pf.html 3. VOA News - White House Concerned About Leaked bin Laden Tape "The private firm SITE Intelligence Group notified the White House last month that it had obtained a new video from terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. ..." www.voanews.com/english/2007-10-09-voa73.cfm 4. VOA News - White House Concerned by Leaked bin Laden Tape "... the tape was broadcast worldwide, destroying what SITE founder Rita Katz says ... White House Concerned by Leaked bin Laden Tape Audio Clip Available ..." www.voanews.com/english/2007-10-09-voa73.cfm?rss=topstories According to intelligence officials and clandestine sources, John Albanese and Kyle Hence have been attacking and censoring the truth about the WQ2RX cell, including lying to YouTube and Google in order to protect their terrorist activities. wq2rx rita katz SITE john albanese gary welz kyle hence

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